Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Lab Safety and my Major Takeaways from the Courses

As of Thursday I have completed all required safety training for any individual working in a lab. This blog will be rather short as most of last week was spent preparing for the training.

Prior to receiving the necessary lab safety training, I not able to be a hands-on participant in any of the experimentation being preformed in the lab. Now that I have completed all three required courses (Fire-safety, Hazardous waste management, and General Lab safety) I am able to help Luca, Himai, and Jacob during testing.

Each lab safety course essentially preaches the same overarching idea : Mistakes happen when you are not diligent and acting with a purpose. Which translates to: Have common sense, the machines your working with can kill you so treat it with respect. Once I let that idea sink in, being careful in the lab no longer seemed to be some kind of drag or nuisance, but rather a means to improve your testing experience and the quality of your results.

My next blog post will contain my experiences from interning as well as anything that was done in the lab.

Thanks for reading,

Nick Thompson

1 comment:

  1. What dangers do you expect to be exposed to in the lab that make this training necessary?
